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217 bc造句

"217 bc"是什么意思  
  • In 217 BC, she accompanied Ptolemy IV at the Battle of Raphia.
  • The King returned his support to Aratus, so Aratus was Strategos again, in 217 BC.
  • Between 220 217 BC, the Social War broke out between the Achaean and Aetolian Leagues.
  • However Achaeus returned from victory in Selge in 217 BC and resumed hostilities with Attalus.
  • Livius'wife, Calavia, was the daughter of Pacuvius Calavius, the chief magistrate of Capua in 217 BC
  • In the spring of 217 BC, Hasdrubal led a joint expedition north to fight the Romans.
  • In the campaign of 217 BC, Hannibal had failed to obtain a following among the Italics.
  • In 217 BC Hydra started issuing coins which often featured Iapagus, the legendary founder of the Iapyges.
  • Hasdrubal commanded this force and was to set out for Italy in 217 BC to reinforce Hannibal.
  • After a failed attempt at a peace conference, Philip returned home for the winter of 218-217 BC.
  • It's difficult to see 217 bc in a sentence. 用217 bc造句挺难的
  • In 217 BC the consul the chickens, and yet other omens, before his disaster at Lake Trasimene ".
  • In 217 BC, the main Carthaginian fleet captured a supply fleet headed for Iberia off Cosa in Italy.
  • In 217 BC Hasbrubal marched his army along the coast and got his ships to sail near the shore.
  • According to Polybius, he did good service in the war, especially at the Battle of Raphia in 217 BC.
  • In 217 BC, Scerdilaidas ceased his support of Philip V, maintaining that a promised subsidy was unpaid and long overdue.
  • In 217 BC Philip made war against Scerdilaidas, to recover some territory recently lost and to expand his control westward.
  • In the years 220 217 BC, Trifylia was conquered by the king Philip V and came under the influence of Macedonia.
  • This battle resembles the trap Hannibal had set for the army of Minucius at the Battle of Geronium in 217 BC.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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